I have been in SA for the last two weeks, which will explain my silence. I’ll make up for it when back home. I’ll still be here for another week before we turn back for home in France.

Some scenes from around us here under the Southern skies in Stellenbosch :

The Atlantic is cold, but simply beautiful…


The baboons welcome us around every bend…


Breakfast by the sea tastes different…


Proteas, our national flower, growing in abundance on the mountainslopes…


Eating is the most popular pastime, with Calamari followed by soft serve ice cream, and bobotie followed by homebaked South African delicasies, and seafoodsoups followed by long walks by the sea…and…and…




We taste the sun, the salty sprays of the seas, we hear the cry of the gulls,  we pick up shells and turn them into memories, our heads spin from the Merlots and Cabernets, we drown ourselves in the magic of the breath taking sunsets and revel in the beauty of the mountains. We laugh with our friends and family. We sail on the blue waters with billowing sails…

The sun makes room for the the moon far too soon, but we don’t think about time, we just live each glorious day to the full, filled with gratitude and appreciation and a healthy zest for livin……life is good.



16 thoughts on “I’m holidaying in SA.

  1. It’s so nice to imagine you in the these photos. Thanks for letting us know… I was wondering. 🙂

    Have a wonderful rest of your vacation!


  2. hi! i was just browsing and came across your website – great recipes! and looks like you’re from SA, as am i.
    hope your vacation home was great!


  3. Hey – we should have co-ordinated our diaries better – I just got back from SA (and Cape Town) on Monday morning! Glad to hear you are having as much of a glorious time as I did and enjoying the STUNNING weather 🙂


  4. Hi there my name is Jeena and I have started a food recipe forum that I thought you would like to join here Click here for food recipe forum

    I would love to see you on there to chat about food and cooking you can talk about anything you like and start your very own topics. 🙂
    or see my main food recipe website Jeenas food recipe site

    Hope to see you soon


    Jeena x


  5. Mmm – can just smell that sea air… makes me want to go back to the beautiful Cape immediately. And get hold of some calamari!


  6. Sorry I missed you here in sunny SA. I live here in CT. Lovely blog. My first visit and I will be back.


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