We all know our list of vitamins and minerals, but it is especially in this stretch of witer here in the North, that we need to dig it out again and check our daily nutrient intake. Like so many people in the North, I am also overcome by a bad fatigue. So I am turning to nutrients even more to boost my energy and morale. Anti-fatigue foods. Like lentils and apples and kiwis, loaded with vitamin C. And many short walks during the day.  It is the getting out, getting the metabolism going and feeling the cold, which revives the mind and the body.


  • Make enough lentils for a salad the next day to take to work for lunch.
  • cook lentils until tender, but still with a bite.
  • See how to make a bouquet garni at Velouté de topinambours.(Jerusalem artichokes)
  • Add walnuts for some protein.
  • Use kiwis for vitamin C and add pumpkin seeds for crunch.
  • Use the lentils warm in winter for a feeling of comfort and cold in summer for coolness.
  • soak the red onion in luke warm water for 5 minutes to remove some of the pungency.
  • Use whole grain rice if you don’t like lentils.

Tips to fight fatigue

Choose food containing vitamin C, which is the main energy stimulating vitamin. It is active in the production of energy in the cells, it protects the cells agains free radicals and it assists in the absorption of iron and calcium.

Vitamin E diminishes the feeling of fatigue. Along with vitamin C and A, it acts against free radicals and protects agains the effect of pollution.

Vit B group facilitates the transformation of proteins into energy, they regulate mood and intellectual energy and they improve the absorption of iron, assists with carrying oxygen in the blood.

Foods high in vitamin C: kiwi, parsley, cassis, raw red pepper, chercil, watercress, citrus fruits…

Vitmain B1(thiamine): liver, whole grains, seafood…

Vitamin B2(Riboflavin): REd meat, poultry(dark meats)dark green lefy vegetables…

Vit B3(Niacin): Liver, poultry, seafood, seed and nuts…

Vitamin B6(Piridoxine): Meat, fish poultry,legumes,  spinach, sweet potatoes, avocados, bananas…

Vitamin B12(cyanocobalamin): oysters, sardines, tuna, turkey chicken, eggs…

Some of the most important minerals to fight fatigue, would be selenium, iron, potassium, magnesium and calcium.

Calcium: Dairy products, dark green vegetables, sardines with bones…

Magnesium:  dark chocolate, almonds, dried beans, walnuts, wholegrain rice, lentils, dark green vegetables, meat, fish poultry, nuts…

Potassium: Meat, fruits, legumes…

Selenium: fish, organ meats, grains…

Good foods to fight fatigue: lentils, brown rice, fennel, sweet potatoes, endives, fish, chicken, petit pois, cauliflower, apples, dates, papaja, citrus fruit, berries…

This is by no means a complete list or complete information on nutrients. There are many complete health books on the subject…this is only an inspiration to get reaquainted with our daily nutrients to give us a boost during the dark and cold days of winter.

Drink eight glasses of water per day. Cut out milk products and wheat to avoid all sorts of allergies. Cut out cafeine and all sodas. Take regular walks during the day and do some exercize. Turn the heating inside your house a little lower during the day, which forces to body to work harder at energizeing itself. Move more during the day, get up often from behind the desk and take a walk, instead of keeping water by your desk, get up and go fetch a glass of water, do some stretching, open the window and breathe in the cold fresh air…

Bibliography: Live longer cookbook – Reader’s digest; New optimum nutrition bible – Patrick holford; La Methode Montignac – Michel Montignac; Ma cuisine anti-fatigue – Marie Borrel; Total health program  – Dr. Mercola; Eating well for optimum health – Andrew Weil, MD.

Be sure to drop in at Kalyn’s kitchen, where you will always find a healthy recipe with fresh ingredients, great ideas loaded with nutrients but light on the hips and with appetizing photos.

Trucs et astuce de grands-meres:

Throw your used coffee grains on youir plants in the garden, it is a good fertilizer for plants.

24 thoughts on “Lentil salad with apples and red onion and a vitamin boost.

  1. Wonderful suggestions and photos! I add some B12 in there too.
    I like your suggestion of adding walnuts and pumpkin seed to the salad. Those are energy booster for me!
    Have a wonderful, healthy day!
    Thanks for all share with us!


  2. Greetings! From my California kitchen to yours. I want to BE in yours–tasting, sniffing the great aromas, and filling up on your wisdom as well as your foods.

    I love dropping by to visit. It is always a JOY!

    Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island


  3. I want my husband to read this! Such an informative post with a great recipe as a bonus. What you have written is so true!
    It won’t be long before spring arrives….only 6 more weeks until March…and then we are almost there.


  4. The little aquarelles are always the little added gift..That salad ferait mon plaisir Ronelle.. La Poste Livrée aussi!

    Great tips on a healthier lifestyle..Much appreciated~ WE all need reminders..Thank you .


  5. Fights fatigue? Good. I’m feeling rather tired these days as school semester kicks off to a busy beginning. Unfortunately, I only have red lentils, and I know they won’t work in this dish. Marking lentils in my grocery list right now!


  6. That you can just whip that up in the middle of winter is close to a miracle……it really looks like a summer salad although it has all the classic winter ingredients… Beautiful!!


  7. Dear Ronelle,

    All these tips are easy, do-able, AND healthy. Love them.

    Thanks for the kind words and keep on writing and cooking. I’ve joined your blog so that I am always reminded to check in on you.

    Each visit is a joy,

    Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island


  8. I so love your lentil & fruit salad!! I love tasty food like this!

    MMMMMMM,…lovely pictures too, Ronelle!!!


  9. Thank you so much for the nice mention of my blog. So many good ideas here. What a wonderful looking recipe this is, and your drawings right before the recipe are so charming. Just a fantastic post in every way.


  10. A great post! I love the January header too. Is it so awefully cold where you are? It seems that there are extreme temps where ever you are – very hot here at times, and so so cold in Europe.


  11. Thanks for stopping by my blog, Ronelle. Moi aussi, je peins en aquarelle!

    I love this salad–I love the combination of fruit and vinegar-y ingredients. Delicious!


  12. Thank you for stopping by everybody…and thak you for all the lovely supportive comments!

    Kate, I will definitely stop by and have a look at your watercolours…already I can see your creativity in your profile picture!

    Ganga, it is VERY cold here in Touraine, a bit better today with the sun shining beautifully!!

    Dana, thank you for the B12 reminder, I added it!

    Thanks everybody1


  13. What a beautiful (and delicious!) way to keep healthy 🙂 It’s so true that here towards the tail end of winter in the northern hemisphere, you do just start feeling run-down – I think it’s worse for displaced Africans missing the sunshine. paying more attention to what you consume can make such a difference. Patrick Holford is my hero 🙂


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