Coasters. That tiny but important  little thing,  preventing me from going crazy. I hate any kind of “ring” on furniture…a water ring from a glass , a heat ring from a hot mug, a wine ring from a bottle…it drives me nuts. So I have coasters everywhere. Beside the beds, by the computer, on the office desks, in my atelier, in the kitchen , outside… since we have become a “lazy mug using” society, rings have become more visible on our furniture. A pity. I would easily vote for going back to a cup and saucer. But until then..coasters it is. Maybe this weekend could be useful in getting rid of all stain rings everywhere and go shop for a variety of affordable, fun coasters to enjoy a drink without stress!

Les dessous-de-verres. Une chose apparamment petite, mais très importante. Moi, je ne supporte oas du tout  les taches sur une table; soit si c’est une tache d’un verre d’eau, soit la  tache dun verre du vin, soit une tache d’un “mug” de café… Ça me rend folle!  Donc, j’ai des dessous-de-verres partoutes dans la maison, même à l’extérieur. Malheureusement, comme on est devenu une société de consommateurs de “mugs” de cafés, de “mugs” de thé, et de “mugs” de cacao, les taches commencée a faire leurs apparitions plus visibles sur les meubles à la maison. Dommage! Peut-être ce weekend  peut-on investir dans quelques dessous-de-verres abordables et “fun”, pour que on puisse s’amuser plus tranquillement autour d’un verre ou d’un “mug” de café.

…an  assortment of coasters for peace of mind…

Do we have time for a movie this weekend? Always! One of my favorite actresses, is Juliette Binoche. A great, versatile actress. I once received an amazing compliment…someone told me I remind him of Juliette Binoche. But … it was late at night and it was during a good meal with plenty of good wine… What I would like to have…is a laugh like her. A wonderfully  spontaneous, bold  and spirited laugh!

Est ce qu’on peut regarder un film ce weekend? Bien entendu! Une de mes actrices préférées, est Juliette Binoche. Une fois, on m’a fait un joli compliment; quel qu’un  m’a dit que je ressemblais àJuliette Binoche. Mais…c’etait au cours d’un dîner, il etait, tard, et on avait bien bu… et pourtant, j’aimerais tellement avoir son merveilleux rire, si charmant, si spontané, si vif et si audacieux!

Copie conforme plays off in Italy,  spoken in English, French and Itaian…to me  a great film by Abbas Kiarostami.

…bon weekend…


13 thoughts on “Ambiance 8/10

  1. We both love Juliette..Have not seen that movie..It’s true you do remind me of her and it’s 8.48 am here and I have had no wine:)
    I like coasters too but only the dining room is a wood table these days.. Many are glass..I miss the wood..I still have some downstairs and keep wanting to bring them back up..

    Ronelle..You can make tile coasters:) Very fun..:)

    Thank you for the suggestion of that movie..Thank you:)Have a great weekend.
    Love the ambiance photo.


  2. Ronell, you are so right! Your lovely sets of coasters are true wanna-haves!!! I have put you on my bloglist so that I will not miss these posts!


  3. Hey Ronelle, me too! I hate it when i see a ring of any kind on furniture, and they almost always end up being permanent. Just sitting there making a perfectly beautiful table or counter look, well, bad… Hence we have coasters everywhere too. Oh, and luckily my Cauldron Boy feels the same way, so I don’t have to beg him to use the coasters (smile).
    p.s. Ooh, Binoche is a nice person to remind people of-for sure. People often tell me I remind them of a redheaded Cameron Diaz, which always makes my cheeks turn red;)


  4. Chopped-up print proofs, sketches, etc run through a laminator or glued-and-sealed onto lightweight board or heavy card can serve out their days as coasters.

    (Of course, sometimes I just use a notepad beside the computer. 😉 )


  5. The thing about coasters – is so many are pretty and I wind up with more than I need and use. Yes, I have ringed furniture. I hope it points to enjoyment around the various tables? Love Juliette’s laugh. Smiled through your post and nodded my head in agreement.


  6. Bonjour Ronelle~ I had to laugh about your comment re Juliette Binoche I don’t look like her but I almost always wear red shoes~ I remember the little dialogue in the movie “Chocolat” about red shoes.
    You have some very pretty coasters!


  7. I’m with you on the coasters…I cannot stand to see drinks on a bare table! Even at other people’s homes, I will just hold my drink if no coasters are around, even if they don’t use them themselves!


  8. I also love Juliette Binoche,..she is one great & grand actrice!!

    Thanks for sharting your thoughts!!

    Bisous de Bruxelles, Ronelle!


  9. No jokes, I do think you look a little like Juliette Binoche! From your left picture and the front page photo. I’m not blaughing! Btw, those wine glasses are beautiful. Hope you’re enjoying your day. ^_^
    Cheers, Kristy


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