20 thoughts on “Amaryllis for christmas

  1. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

    May this Holiday be filled with love, wonderful thoughts, happy times and delicious food.


  2. Ronelle~ this is my favorite amaryllis painting I have seen! I love it. You have a flair like no other.

    Wishing you and your family a beautiful Christmas and a blessed New Year.



  3. Joyeux Noël, dear Ronelle! Life hectic (living in hospital with dear daughter plus birth of new baby with son’s family) and unable to visit but thinking of you and wishing you the loveliest of holidays. Once here, hard to leave realizing how much I have missed. Hopefully, the New Year will be wondrous for all of us! (BTW … my stunning amaryllis is blooming but have not had a moment to capture its beauty 😦


  4. How you have the time to set the table, make the food, take the photos, and paint the pictures is beyond me! Amazing site! Always full of great eye-candy! 🙂

    Joyeux Noël!


  5. Bonne Annee, Ronelle, and thank you for a year of your beautiful art work, musings on life, and recipes.


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