Here we are. Easter.

It is actually not about  Easter bunnies and eggs and chickens. But to lighten the heaviness of  “La Passion” a bit, we bring some pastel blues and pinks and yellows into our house, letting our children search for eggs behind trees and prop a chocolate egg ourselves into our cheeks.

So I also spent some playful time around the house and in the kitchen, using my good friend Karin’s microwave carrot cake to bake individual carrot loaves. It is SO moist and quick…I don’t know why I don’t bake it more often. Maybe because I’ll eat more often..?

I baked it in mini loaf pans(brown carton and silicone) and it took only about 8-10 minutes to bake. I also didn’t have cream cheese, so I used a soft goats cheese, which was as delicious, of not more delicious than cream cheese!


  • Use the recipe and bake mini individual loaves or cakes.
  • Add some dried currants for variation.
  • Add  a tsp of mixed spice along with the cinnamon.
  • Use soft goats cheese instead of cream cheese.
  • Bake in a glass pyrex bowl or in a microwave ring pan.

…bunnies in chocolate, young Prunus trees in blossom just before they go off to Coin Perdu next week to be planted in the garden. They are simply decorated in their black plant containers with old lace and some chocolate eggs and tiny glass vases with an Easter chicken feather…

.. a white wooden basket filled with anything and everything – an ostrich egg, some fresh moss from the garden, tulips, cute bunnies crawling all over, old lace, fresh eggs from the farm, a big heart and time that runs out quick…

…”will this work never end”…?

…peeping in the kitchen, or perhaps smelling the tulips?…

…”I knew I was good, but I never thought I was THIS good?”…

…a full tummy…

…le livre des mères parfaites by Alison Maloney…

(Fun extracts from what mothers tell their children…)

Mother: “If you swallow your chewing-gum, it will stay in your stomach for seven years!”

Fact: Chewing-gum, like any other food, will be in the digestive system for  round about 20 hours.

27 thoughts on “Mini carrot loaves and Easter spirit.

  1. I have one centerpiece that is along your lines for tomorrow~:)And carrot cakes are featured here too..imagine..I had never heard of microwave carrot cake..Great idea..They are adorable in your small vessels.

    I am in love w/ the fact that you have trees in bloom for this weekend..what a lucky girl.Along w/ all your other cute cute vignettes:)

    Les poules remind me so much of France/Provence..perfect time to use them Ronelle..I also like your small chalkboards..Now I wish I had not packed my ♥ away w/ the Christmas ornaments:) Tell me what was I thinking?!

    Thank you..and although I am not chewing gum these made me smile~

    Happy Happy Easter.It’s a pleasure to have met you this past year~


  2. What fun photographs you have shared. The mini Carrot Cakes look and sound wonderful. I’ll take note. A lot of time I don’t bake because it takes too long. This will be perfect.. Love your painted carrot.


  3. How lovely and spring-y! I bought some tulips just like these yesterday. I love having tulips all over the house this time of the year. They just look so happy, don’t they?

    Your carrot cakes look wonderful. I especially like the way you write your recipes with the watercolor addition.

    Wishing you and your family a beautiful Easter!

    xo ~ Dana


  4. Mmmmm yummy, it makes me want to run right out and get the ingredients to make some. Love the carrot recipe!!!


  5. I love the playfulness of your wooden box, and the chicken you have on top of those eggs, staring at the eggs, etc. Beautiful – as all your posts are Ronelle.

    And, of course, those mini carrot cakes are perfect!


  6. Ronell…as always….you did such a beautiful job with all your deccorations…I love the colors! Enjoy Coin Perdu next week…. I envy you (in a nice

    PS. Thanks for visiting my blog…I left you a comment.



  7. Oh la la. Everything is a feast for the eyes and the carrot recipe (In the micro?? which I’ve never done before) looks like a great one.

    I do send you blessings of spring.


    Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island


  8. i made carrot muffins for the easter bunny, too, although not in the microwave because i don’t own one. and my easter decorations aren’t nearly as elaborate as yours.. i blew out some eggs, covered them in PVA and got the babies to stick shreds of crepe papaer onto them 😉


  9. I’m in love with your chicken collection and the way you’ve displayed the sweet little ones with candies and flowers. Now I need to go shopping!
    Have a joyous Easter.


  10. Oh que c’est mignon tout ca! ca fait rêver mais surtout ca me ramene en enfance avec ces petits oeufs en chocolat…je ne suis pas experte en carrot cake mais tes mini cakes m’ont l’air incroyablement bons, et en plus rapides, ce qui est toujours appréciableen cuisine!


  11. Your photos and writing are getting better by the day! Love love this post. I don’t celebrate Easter but would love to join the fun with you.


  12. Hello Ronelle!

    What spring like & happy & lovely carrot cakes!!

    they look so tasty & fab too!

    A grand presentation too!


  13. Wow Ronell, your photos are so great. The header photo is particularly wonderful and different too. Oh, and I could eat one of those cakes right now-carrot cake is my favorite.
    I hope you had a nice easter-looks like you did (smile)!


  14. Je vois que tu aimes les décors de Pâques autant que je les aime ! Tes photos sont terribles et tous ces petits sujets, qu’ils soient poules ou lapins, sont mignons à croquer.

    Quant à ce carrot cake au micro-ondes, c’est juste génial. I’ll try it soon ! ;o)
    Passe une bonne journée


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