I love tomatoes baked to a confit in the oven.  I also love dessert. So serving tomatoes as a dessert is nothing strange  A creamy faisselle (quark/cottage cheese) locally made, some cherry tomatoes drizzled liberally with honey, sprinkled with chopped fresh mint and roasted in the oven to caramelize, is a perfect cheese/dessert to round off a meal. I added  in season cherries to add some seasonal spirit. It is a recipe with so many variations. I hope you’ll play around with it and come up with combinations that you love.

cottage cheese with roasted honey tomatoes-009


ffaiselle & honey tomatoes recip

cottage cheese with roasted honey tomatoes

cottage cheese with roasted honey tomatoes-001Pincée de fleur de sel:

  • Use enough cherry tomatoes, because it shrinks away a lot during the roasting process.
  • Use maple syrup instead of honey.
  • Add other red berries of your choice instead of cherries.
  • Serve the roasted tomatoes with a thick creamy yoghurt instead of the faisselle(quark/cottage cheese).
  • Serve the tomatoes in a little bowl on a cheese platter with an assortment of cheese for a buffet.

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5 thoughts on “Cottage(Quark) cheese with honey roasted tomatoes.

  1. This is one of those dishes that just begs to be included with other things. It should be a basic for summer. Thanks Ronelle.


  2. I don’t know how I missed this recipe of yours, Just scrolled down my own blog and saw this on my sidebar. Brilliant … I’ll use it for the plum tomatoes I bought at the market yesterday. with some thick Greek yogurt I have in the fridge. By now, I’m sure your pool is finished, and you’re enjoying it during this hot weather 🙂


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