I am participating in an art project for the month – Everyday in May. And today’s theme is cupcakes. I decided to post it here on Myfenchkitchen as well, seeing that cupcakes are food as well(of course!). I can eat anything carrot…raw, cooked, soup, juice, salad… and cake. Combine it with poppyseeds, lemon juice, and yoghurt and it turns out quite satisfactory, very satisfactory in fact.   carrot and poppyseed cupcake-001carrot cupcake recipe

  • EDITED: I forgot to add the carrots to the recipe!  Add 1 large, or 2 medium carrots, peeled and grated to the mixture and mix lightly. Don’t overmix.

carrot and poppyseed cupcake eaten Pincée de fleur de sel:

  • Add chopped olives to the mixture and top with goats cheese.
  • Use a vanilla yoghurt instead of natural yoghurt for a slightly sweet taste.
  • Top with whipped cream cheese with chives or top with a creamy goat’s cheese.

carrot and poppyseed cupcake ingredients

..bon appétit..


9 thoughts on “Carrot and and poppyseed cupcakes.

  1. Ils sont mignons..;)♥Et oui l’illustration est adorable.. c’est comme ce la que je t’ai connue:)

    Ronelle..combien de carottes?


  2. Aaaah zut Monique, j’ai oublié les carottes. IL FAUT REFAIRE ALORS? I aaded 2medium carrots, grated. Thank you for brknging it to my attention. 🙂


  3. Hi RonelleI Lovely sketch and photos of all the ingredients, re-read the recipe 3 times, looking for the carrots, was just about to ask and saw Moniques comment. Thought it was only me who did things like this 🙂 Love the cases you used.


  4. Yes, I forgot to add the carrots…where was my head? I will redo the recipe, but for the moment I just edited underneath. I added 2 medium peeled and grated carrots(or 1 large) and then mided it all together lightly.


  5. Don’t redo!

    We know now..part of the charm..

    plse do not redo..
    Do you know how many typos I make? CONSTANTLY?:)


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