I call them story plates. Those who follow this site will know how much I love stories and storytelling. We all do, I’m sure. Why else would we read book after book, watch movies, read biographies, buy art..they all tell stories and we each interpret them in our own way. We see our own lives twisted in the words and images. Some of us are just more of a sucker for sentiment than others. I am one of those.

storyplates large

These little plates that I find at the brocantes make me laugh, sometimes they are very simple, a poem, a line, a title, sometimes  razor sharp in irony, but they are always true to depicting the experiences and life of the moment, which is what makes a story, which is what history is made of, and which explains why a later generation is so taken with “old” and “antique” and “vintage”,  history and the ever popular French brocante.

I would like to share some of these story plates with you. Each time I use a plate, I laugh again at the story, even though I know them all by heart! They are every day plates and I am amazed at how I can sometimes be lifted up on a dreary day by just using one of these story plates.

N° 6, Mme Angot’s daughter: A later, more “modern” story plate:


N° 12, En voyage: My first plate, bought many years ago,tells the joke/funny story of an old, distinguished gentleman taking the train and pulling the alarm, which had the train stop and all the police swarming to the train. Ever so innocent, he asked them why they stopped the train? He was sleeping and then took a bath and rang the alarm(bell) for some towels..!

storyplates 4

N° 5, Mauvaise farce (bad jokes): The story plates are usually in series and numbered in the series. This is the series about bad jokes… placing a bucket of water on a half opened door …

storyplates 2N° 11, Les déjeuners comiques(funny meals): This is my favorite little plate. it is so cunning! This one is titled Le déjeuner economique (cheap lunch).

storyplates 7-001N° 9, Rigolades(laughs): Then there are those plates which have the most beautiful borders, like this one and the following green plates. The little story is very simple. This series is called .

storyplates 9-001N° 4,  Les sports: I adore the border of this plate,it is so elegant. This series depict sports and of course ice skating on the frozen European lakes was a big pastime for men and women..I loved the clothes of the women of times gone by.. I just wonder how they got around on those skates…the way I fall definitely demands some trousers!


Amusez vous bien en lisant ces petites histores et à bientôt!


8 thoughts on “Old French story plates.

  1. I hope you know that if ever I came across one…it would be yours
    What a charming post:-)
    Meilleurs Voeux:-)


  2. *Thank you Rosa!
    *Thank you Crushland!
    *Thanks Monique…et pareillement!
    *Thank you Susan ans thansk for noticing the new look;;;hehe!

    Tthanks to everybody who visited.


  3. Yes, I like the new look, too! Very clean and simple looking and easy to read.
    Those are wonderful plates! Did you find them all yourself? I love old plates although I have never seen anything like those. Thanks for showing them to us.


  4. What fun that there are stories behind these beautiful plates. I chuckled at the man on the train needing a towel. We have one very old French plate from the 1700’s that we treasure that was a wedding gift many years ago.


  5. Hi
    Caqterina..yes, I always scout the brocantes for a plate to bring back home..I have a weak spot for them.

    Sam..it is wonderful how something with a story can be such a treasure.


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